In the words of William Wallace from Brave Heart...
Today is the last day of the Doctor imposed sanctions of NO strenuous activities. Like swimming, biking outdoors, and especially running. A entire month off, I don't think I have ever taken that much time off in 3 years.
But I'm thank-full, but with endurance athlete O.C.D. in full effect now.
I have a 4 mile Turkey Trot race on Turkey day morning. Okay, with NO running at all, Ooh the recovery surgery thing, I think it will be more of a jog and if I have to kick in the Galloway marathon rule of run/walk for 4 miles, that will be okay. I'm just thankful to be out there again and run around with some of my teammates again.
On Turkey day weekend I'm thankful for alot of things:
Thank-full I have a very supportive wife, that thinks I'm nuts most of the time, but supportive nonetheless with all my endurance race adventures.
Thank-full for my daughter, who likes to run races and could not imagine my life without her.
(A picture of her waiting for me to FINISH my IM)
Thank-full for my parents and wife's parents are still around, so my child can have grandparents she can play, laugh with, and of course be spoiled by. Something I missed when I grew up.
Thank-full for my small circle of friends who were very proud of me for finishing my IRONMAN and took me out for a celebration marking the event.
Thank-full for the TRI-Club I belong to and to the 5 others who are doing IMoo in 2007 along with me. Bring it ON. I'm back "Human Racers".
Thank-full for this cyber community we all call "Blog-land". Reading everybody's blogs, all of them with inspirational stories. You help me get my ass in gear out of bed for those 5:00 am training sessions.
And yes, thank-full to have a long-weekend off from work.
Happy Turkey Day
And let the mad shopping days begin. Cool (if you are a
complusive bargain shopper like me). To bad they don't have deep discounts at the TRI shops this weekend.
In the words of William Wallace from Brave Heart...
Today is the last day of the Doctor imposed sanctions of NO strenuous activities. Like swimming, biking outdoors, and especially running. A entire month off, I don't think I have ever taken that much time off in 3 years.
But I'm thank-full, but with endurance athlete O.C.D. in full effect now.
I have a 4 mile Turkey Trot race on Turkey day morning. Okay, with NO running at all, Ooh the recovery surgery thing, I think it will be more of a jog and if I have to kick in the Galloway marathon rule of run/walk for 4 miles, that will be okay. I'm just thankful to be out there again and run around with some of my teammates again.
On Turkey day weekend I'm thankful for alot of things:
Thank-full I have a very supportive wife, that thinks I'm nuts most of the time, but supportive nonetheless with all my endurance race adventures.
Thank-full for my daughter, who likes to run races and could not imagine my life without her.
(A picture of her waiting for me to FINISH my IM)
Thank-full for my parents and wife's parents are still around, so my child can have grandparents she can play, laugh with, and of course be spoiled by. Something I missed when I grew up.
Thank-full for my small circle of friends who were very proud of me for finishing my IRONMAN and took me out for a celebration marking the event.
Thank-full for the TRI-Club I belong to and to the 5 others who are doing IMoo in 2007 along with me. Bring it ON. I'm back "Human Racers".
Thank-full for this cyber community we all call "Blog-land". Reading everybody's blogs, all of them with inspirational stories. You help me get my ass in gear out of bed for those 5:00 am training sessions.
And yes, thank-full to have a long-weekend off from work.
Happy Turkey Day
And let the mad shopping days begin. Cool (if you are a
complusive bargain shopper like me). To bad they don't have deep discounts at the TRI shops this weekend.
That picture of your little one is adorable!
Happy Thanksgiving! The only thing that could get me out of bed at 4am tomorrow would be 50% off sales at the tri shop. You're a brave soul. :)
It's a fantastic feeling waking up early Thanksgiving morning to do a Turkey Trot with lots of other health-minded people, and then relaxing and enjoying the rest of the day with family. Here, here. I second that.
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Welcome back the the land of the Living. :) Indulge your OCD wise-full-y.
glad you are back to the land of the running! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)
Glad you are allowed to get back on the horse. Time to start tarining for an ultra? ;)
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