I think like most people I need goals to get me out of bed to keep moving and workout. I have found some renewed energy in my workouts, taking those two weeks renewed my endurance spirit and my tired running legs.
After some miles on the trails over the weekend. I happen to spectate at the Palos half marathon that ran along the trails at the same time I was out there.
Watching 1500+ people and many of my TRi club members churning away at the miles made me yearn for the road again. Not just running the roads again, but to be faster on those same roads, because quite honestly as of late thought was not to fun at all.
So the goal has been set, to get down to a BQ (Boston Marathon Qualifying) time. But how do I really get faster and able to run a 3:20 marathon? Anybody have any ideas?
Yes I understand, the basics; intervals, tempo runs, and long runs.
But my questions is this? Do I do 800 meter or 1 mile interval workouts. 3 mile tempo or should they be longer tempo runs? What has worked for you to get faster?
So while I figure this all out, I do have a 50 mile ultra on Saturday. I got to at least have some fun before I try to work my ASS off to get faster. That will be the plan, run with my training partner the whole way and have fun at the post race barbecue and hopefully add a little more "bling" to the ULtra drawer.
Okay one more thing, If you tell me I also have to watch my diet while trying to get faster as well, I might have to rethink this whole BQ thing. Because I'm currently on my cheese danish eating "binge" once again.
I think like most people I need goals to get me out of bed to keep moving and workout. I have found some renewed energy in my workouts, taking those two weeks renewed my endurance spirit and my tired running legs.
After some miles on the trails over the weekend. I happen to spectate at the Palos half marathon that ran along the trails at the same time I was out there.
Watching 1500+ people and many of my TRi club members churning away at the miles made me yearn for the road again. Not just running the roads again, but to be faster on those same roads, because quite honestly as of late thought was not to fun at all.
So the goal has been set, to get down to a BQ (Boston Marathon Qualifying) time. But how do I really get faster and able to run a 3:20 marathon? Anybody have any ideas?
Yes I understand, the basics; intervals, tempo runs, and long runs.
But my questions is this? Do I do 800 meter or 1 mile interval workouts. 3 mile tempo or should they be longer tempo runs? What has worked for you to get faster?
So while I figure this all out, I do have a 50 mile ultra on Saturday. I got to at least have some fun before I try to work my ASS off to get faster. That will be the plan, run with my training partner the whole way and have fun at the post race barbecue and hopefully add a little more "bling" to the ULtra drawer.
Okay one more thing, If you tell me I also have to watch my diet while trying to get faster as well, I might have to rethink this whole BQ thing. Because I'm currently on my cheese danish eating "binge" once again.
WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! I honestly don't know what to tell you with the "faster" bit. I'm too new to this whole running thang LOL
Oy, I hear you with the cheese danish. I don't think I could EVER give it up LOL
Another ultra. Have a great time with that!!
Yay for cheese danishes..er..I mean..Um..probably need to cut back on those.
Hey Dennis, nice to see you out there cheering us on Sat morning. It was appreciated.
My honest opinion is to hire a coach. I know us endurance athletes tend to think we know it all because we have done various distance races and done them in respectable times. But for me, hiring a coach this year as been my best move so far by a wide margine.
They will sit down with you, talk to you about your goals one on one, and tell you what you need to do in order to attain those goals.
I was NEVER a big believer until this year....and what did it get me?
Well a PR by 6+ minutes in my half marathon time, and I've only been training w/ him since December...it makes me wonder where I'll be in two or three years from now under his direction.
The sidebar of my blog has my coach if you interested in more info, or give me a holler.
Just my two cents.
800's and up to an 8 mile tempo run. As well as hill repeats. You'll love those, it's a lot like trail running. Interchange the 3 twice a week during your 18 week marathon training program. You're gonna meet your goal.
Are you sure you need a 3:20? I really think it's a 3:30. Either way, you'll get to your goal. You always do! :)
Hey, have fun on Saturday. Eat as much BBQ as you want. Really, with all the speed training, the weight has trouble staying on.
god bless whoever invented cheese danish...hoo hoo
Good luck in collecting more "bling" in the 50 mile ultra...
Hey, put that 3rd danish down, bubba.....back away.....!!!!
Back to the roads! Sweet! I want to BQ, too. I need a 3:40 though, but I'm not thinking about that until after the 50 miler!
I have no advice. :(
Argh, faster :-(
I also need a 3:20 to BQ but haven't been able to stomach that much speed work, or get rid of that much stomach for that matter.
I did tear my marathon PR down to 3:51 from about 4:45 by doing the following:
On the track start with an easy 800 meter jog followed by 2 miles worth of 800 meter repeats at max effort on a two to three minute rest. Finish off with 800 meter cool down.
8 to 10 mile hilly tempo runs. I do a hilly route because I don't like straight up hill repeats but if you do flat tempo runs then get ye to a hill and repeat.
Only advice I can give is what you already know...to run fast, you have to run fast! And hit the hills--it's great for strength!
I'll look for you up at Ice Age...the weather looks great..so you should shoot for a PR!!
Oh--and I agree with "the clyde"--hiring my coach was the greatest gift to myself!!
(Ok--how weird is this...the word verification starts with "BQ"--think thats a message????!!!!)
Wow Boston.. great goal. i would loe to run that, however not sure 3.20 is in my near future. I take it your ankle is totally fine now?
First - setting a BQ is a great goal. Just promise yourself you'll go run it when you qualify - it's one to remember.
For me, I have to make marathoning my sole focus, which means giving up the ultras for a bit. There is a lot greater emphasis on speed work, tempo stuff, etc. And yes, weight matters. You can totally do it, though.
Good luck this weekend!
That's a nice goal. Getting faster is never a bad thing. I think the ultras will help with that, but you're right, you have to practice running fast if you want to run fast. With ultras, we run slow, but far, but it helps with the endurance.
I suggest you pick RG Janeth's (it's janeth, not janet) brain a bit more.
Man! Boston, I wish I could be that fast. Maybe some day. I'll stick to this ultra scene for now.
You'll do great at Ice Age and Kettle
Great goal! I liked mile repeats, myself, but then I ran my race really dumb and didn't BQ so maybe you don't want to listen to me!
Gooooood luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you!
I start out doing tempo runs of increasing time (not miles) for six weeks, then switch to 800s, adding 1-2 laps each week until two weeks before the marathon. The tempo based, combined with the lactic threshold of the 800s typically proves itself during the second half of the marathon. Try it!
I am as slow as can be, and have not much to contribute here. But I am sure, cheese danishes or not, you will figure it out. Well, fewer danishes would not hurt.
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