Back to Back Runs!!
It was the 1st annual back to back run? Not for me but for my little munchkin.
Every memorial day there is a local 10k/5k. I usually run one of them, but this year it was my daughters turn (NO, not the 10k/ or 5k). Since she is 5 I was a little bit apprehensive in entering her in the 1 mile youth run since it was supposed to be from 7 to 14 years. But why not, as long as I ran with her she was willing to give it a try.
So at 8:10am the 1 mile race took place, I held her hand in the beginning running alongside with her. Then I let her run on her own, as a young energetic kid does, she tries to run as hard as possible. I was to thinking to myself, I really hope she is at least will able to make it to the turnaround. But she did and we headed toward the finish line still running. At this point she was passing some kids along the way. People were clapping and I was really having a great time running with her. So with a time of 12:27 she finished her 1st official long race. Woohoo, I was a very proud DADDY indeed.
Then I enticed her with more goodies if she ran the tot run. After some time in the inflatable bouncy thing, she was ready to go and finished the 100 yard tot run.
Yup, back to back runs are now complete. OMG, I'm such a "meanie", having her run that much, but she was no worst for wear and we had a great family day.
Well, what's up with me? I have been a little bit at a crossroads as of late concerning my racing schedule. I was going to try to get a marathon program going to try to Qualify for the Boston marathon. But the path I've set for myself this year has been an "ULTRA MARATHON" one, just to hard right now to try to train for BQ speed and 50+ mile Ultras, plus the Great Illini "Iron Man" triathlon is only 15 weeks away as well.
So with that said another Ultra is lurking on the horizon, not sure which distance yet, but the 3 numbered digit version might be on the ever changing race schedule. Just have to figure out if I have the mental fortitude and running legs to go through one of those again, but I have about a week to decide so I can register at a decent price range.
Until then I'll try to keep doing what I've been used to: run, bike, and swim at my own leisurely pace.
It was the 1st annual back to back run? Not for me but for my little munchkin.
Every memorial day there is a local 10k/5k. I usually run one of them, but this year it was my daughters turn (NO, not the 10k/ or 5k). Since she is 5 I was a little bit apprehensive in entering her in the 1 mile youth run since it was supposed to be from 7 to 14 years. But why not, as long as I ran with her she was willing to give it a try.
So at 8:10am the 1 mile race took place, I held her hand in the beginning running alongside with her. Then I let her run on her own, as a young energetic kid does, she tries to run as hard as possible. I was to thinking to myself, I really hope she is at least will able to make it to the turnaround. But she did and we headed toward the finish line still running. At this point she was passing some kids along the way. People were clapping and I was really having a great time running with her. So with a time of 12:27 she finished her 1st official long race. Woohoo, I was a very proud DADDY indeed.
Then I enticed her with more goodies if she ran the tot run. After some time in the inflatable bouncy thing, she was ready to go and finished the 100 yard tot run.
Yup, back to back runs are now complete. OMG, I'm such a "meanie", having her run that much, but she was no worst for wear and we had a great family day.
Well, what's up with me? I have been a little bit at a crossroads as of late concerning my racing schedule. I was going to try to get a marathon program going to try to Qualify for the Boston marathon. But the path I've set for myself this year has been an "ULTRA MARATHON" one, just to hard right now to try to train for BQ speed and 50+ mile Ultras, plus the Great Illini "Iron Man" triathlon is only 15 weeks away as well.
So with that said another Ultra is lurking on the horizon, not sure which distance yet, but the 3 numbered digit version might be on the ever changing race schedule. Just have to figure out if I have the mental fortitude and running legs to go through one of those again, but I have about a week to decide so I can register at a decent price range.
Until then I'll try to keep doing what I've been used to: run, bike, and swim at my own leisurely pace.
OMG that's so sweet! CONGRATS to both of you! ;D ;D I've gotta say that's pretty fast for a 5 y.o. Some adults don't run that fast LOL.
Every kids run I've seen around here is usually the same (1 mile) and while my 4 y.o is chomping at the bit to run a race, I'm uncertain for the same reason. Luckily this weekend they have one for the smaller kiddies (only 100m, I believe) so I'm excited for her.
That is awesome about your keed man, another generation of runner.
So you are indeed doing the Great Illini this year, hmmm.
Developing BQ speed probably is inconsistnt with your plans this year. Me and a friend are thinking about trying to BQ in 09 at the California International Marathon.
12 min miles for a 5 year... she be beating you before you know it. Also considering the great illni, have you heard good things about it?
I plan on trying to BQ in '09 as well; we can all virtually train together! :)
Your daughter rocks!
awesome cute...
you have to have pics of this..
take care
That's a good pace for a 5-year-old! I'm sure it didn't take much to get her to do both races. Afterall, she's got a great role model pulling for her.
I got somethign in the mail about that great illini iron man triathlon (i think because mark is from illinois) and I wondered if you might do that race.
btw, those little munchkins can run FAST. not fair, I say!!!
What a great experience for you and your little one! OMG - I can just see you guys running and the smiles and cheers! AWESOME. :)
That's so neat that you are inspiring your daughter to have an active lifestyle! Btw, I think I've been bitten by the ultra bug now too. Any tips for a beginner?
Woot! Happy for your little one - she definitely has the genes for it... listen to you and your "3 numbered digit version."
Congrats to your daughter on the double. I know what you mean about the competing goals and priorities. It's hard to choose with so many choices. I'm on the BQ bandwagon and off the ultra one for awhile.
That's awesome! Congrats to the little one!!! Is she hooked for life?...
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