Random things
It has been awhile since I posted on my blog, but work and training for this 140.6 race that is happening in less than 2 weeks has been time consuming.
I wish all was well, but I will be a bit dinged going into the race. As I can tell, I pinched a muscle in my "ASS" or maybe my sciatic nerve.
I must tell you this is not fun, hurts when I walk or even try to run, but seems to be okay or more tolerable when I swim or bike. But what can I do, I'm not going to cry about it, okay maybe a little bit. Just do some non-impact simulated running workouts and see what happens on race day.
Other random things happened, my kid is now a year older. Actually learned how to ride a two wheeled bike.
I must say that is one of the most nerve racking things I have witnessed in a long time.
But she finally is getting the hang of it and trying to be speed a demon these day. Hmm, they do have track cycling for women in the Olympics!
Other random thoughts is that I received a cool set of product freebies from sof sole.
They make over the counter orthopedic soles, socks, and some other fun things. I'm actually not a big Orthotic wearer, even thou I have been prescribed some custom ones by my doctor. I do think strengthening your foot by wearing a minimal shoe, running barefoot, and crazy stuff like that is the best medicine for preventing future injuries. But I know I needed a little bit of something, and these seemed to do the trick. They worked well and gave me the extra support I needed (and NO these where not the cause of my current injury) . The heat molded pair was interesting to configure but hugged my foot well and gave me the additional support as well. So a thumbs up to the SofSole products, and look forward to wearing them in the future during my races. Now if it can also fix up my "ASS" injury as well, I would be a totally happy man, but for now I will settle for the soles to help me with my chronic ankle tendentious.
So for now that is all the randomness I can think off. In a week or two I will be posting my future racing plans for 2009. Maybe not as grand as this year, but will be an adventure, because there is no other option to live your life. I think so anyways. Don't you agree?
It has been awhile since I posted on my blog, but work and training for this 140.6 race that is happening in less than 2 weeks has been time consuming.
I wish all was well, but I will be a bit dinged going into the race. As I can tell, I pinched a muscle in my "ASS" or maybe my sciatic nerve.

Other random things happened, my kid is now a year older. Actually learned how to ride a two wheeled bike.
But she finally is getting the hang of it and trying to be speed a demon these day. Hmm, they do have track cycling for women in the Olympics!
Other random thoughts is that I received a cool set of product freebies from sof sole.

So for now that is all the randomness I can think off. In a week or two I will be posting my future racing plans for 2009. Maybe not as grand as this year, but will be an adventure, because there is no other option to live your life. I think so anyways. Don't you agree?
Good luck with the ass nerve.
And cute picture on the bike!! But yeah, that WOULD be nerve racking!!
OMG OUCH OUCH OUCH!! Do you sit down a lot? (Wait that's a dumb question, of course you don't :P) I've heard that sitting for too long can aggravate it.
Ahhhh yes! Sof Soles are the shiz! I love em!
YUP! :)
bubba...all i keep hearing from triathletes these days is folks injuring their priformius (sp) which i believe is a deeeeeep ass muscle... gluteus asssimus, i think... good luck with it...
nice pic of the little one
Eeeks. A pinched nerve is no joking matter, nor something to "sit on" for too long. Take care of it, Dennis!
That pain does not sound like anything I want to find out about. How in the world...or do we want to know...did you do it?
Sweet little girl. Watch out..she will grow up too fast on you.
2009 planning... I am all over that.
Hope the pain in the butt goes away soon.
Race planning is always fun.
You're doing Great Illini?? Sheesh!
Oh, and if you want a referral to a good physical therapist, let me know!!
I hope the pain in the ass heals up before the big race. Good luck with the taper.
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