My Pet Rock! 
So last Saturday morning, Caroline and me left early to get to the FARMDALE 33 mile trail race site.
There was some familiar faces there. Because this would be the last race I had to finish for the IL. Trail Grand Slam race series.
There was two separate races that day. A 8 miler and the 33 mile Ultra. We all started together, so there was some congestion early on the single track portions of the race.
Then at one point there was a split, which was kind of interesting, because at one point there was a whole bunch of us running together, then in a instant I was all alone on the trails. I saw somebody in the distance, so I was assured that I did not make a wrong turn.
While I was running I happen to look back and saw Caroline hot on my heels, she was still about a quarter mile away, so I yelled out "Heyyyyy". So after that I ran a couple of more steps, then I tripped over a tree root and down I go face forward into the leaves. I used my hands to break my fall, which was not a smart move, because my elbow felt a little stiff the rest of the race.
So have not run this race before I did not know what to expect. It was mostly single track, being "Fall" weather, all the leaves were covering up all the obstacles on the ground, thus making people, like me, prone to fall on their ass. There was a 20 foot wide shallow water crossing, not to bad but cold nonetheless. Then there was 2 to 3 smaller water crossings. So three loops of that made for some cold wet feet. It was alot more technical than I thought it would be with alot of switchbacks and small hills one after another. It was entertaining to run because you had to be alert during the entire race but draining after awhile.
I actually ran the 1st loop well, getting slower the 2ND, and of course, just trying to hold on the 3rd loop.
But with a finishing time of 6:29:17, (25th out of 66 starters), 33.6 miles was done.
I was pretty glad to finish, because that concluded the trail race series. Not sure how many people started this 1st annual event, but around 20 of us were able to complete the whole thing.

(That's me in the back next to Chris M.(tall guy in red shirt, creator of the slam series) . A big ThankYou to him to setting this all up)
I think I placed 5th among the men (out of 13) in the series. So "whoot" "whoot" to that.
It was actually pretty fun being in a race series. Seeing the same faces at each race and doing some new races I would not have never done before if it was not for the race series.
Then as an added bonus, I got some unique finisher's "bling" along the way. A hobo 50k tin cup, 100 mile buckle, finisher's 50k medal, and of course my "pet" rock.
So what's next, Me and my pet rock took a little break, but now time to get moving again and get ready for probably my last long "ASS" race for the year, The Lakefront 50 miler,
A little SAD just thinking about it, but I think my mind and body needs a much needed rest after that.
So last Saturday morning, Caroline and me left early to get to the FARMDALE 33 mile trail race site.
There was some familiar faces there. Because this would be the last race I had to finish for the IL. Trail Grand Slam race series.
There was two separate races that day. A 8 miler and the 33 mile Ultra. We all started together, so there was some congestion early on the single track portions of the race.
Then at one point there was a split, which was kind of interesting, because at one point there was a whole bunch of us running together, then in a instant I was all alone on the trails. I saw somebody in the distance, so I was assured that I did not make a wrong turn.
While I was running I happen to look back and saw Caroline hot on my heels, she was still about a quarter mile away, so I yelled out "Heyyyyy". So after that I ran a couple of more steps, then I tripped over a tree root and down I go face forward into the leaves. I used my hands to break my fall, which was not a smart move, because my elbow felt a little stiff the rest of the race.
So have not run this race before I did not know what to expect. It was mostly single track, being "Fall" weather, all the leaves were covering up all the obstacles on the ground, thus making people, like me, prone to fall on their ass. There was a 20 foot wide shallow water crossing, not to bad but cold nonetheless. Then there was 2 to 3 smaller water crossings. So three loops of that made for some cold wet feet. It was alot more technical than I thought it would be with alot of switchbacks and small hills one after another. It was entertaining to run because you had to be alert during the entire race but draining after awhile.
I actually ran the 1st loop well, getting slower the 2ND, and of course, just trying to hold on the 3rd loop.
But with a finishing time of 6:29:17, (25th out of 66 starters), 33.6 miles was done.
I was pretty glad to finish, because that concluded the trail race series. Not sure how many people started this 1st annual event, but around 20 of us were able to complete the whole thing.
(That's me in the back next to Chris M.(tall guy in red shirt, creator of the slam series) . A big ThankYou to him to setting this all up)
I think I placed 5th among the men (out of 13) in the series. So "whoot" "whoot" to that.
It was actually pretty fun being in a race series. Seeing the same faces at each race and doing some new races I would not have never done before if it was not for the race series.
Then as an added bonus, I got some unique finisher's "bling" along the way. A hobo 50k tin cup, 100 mile buckle, finisher's 50k medal, and of course my "pet" rock.
So what's next, Me and my pet rock took a little break, but now time to get moving again and get ready for probably my last long "ASS" race for the year, The Lakefront 50 miler,
A little SAD just thinking about it, but I think my mind and body needs a much needed rest after that.