It's been awhile, So Sunday was the Hobo 50k. It was the 3rd in the 4 race series of the Illinois Grand Slam trail series.
Not sure how it was going to go, because I have been pretty lazy since my Great Illini IM race three weeks ago.
So I meet up with one of the Chia runners, Brian, to do some representing for the club.
The normal start was Race director saying "GO".
I started off at 10:00 min pace a tried to hold around a low zone 3 heart rate. It was two 15.5 loops with one water crossing. I actually ran pretty well the 1st loop, very minimal walking on the hills and felt pretty strong most of the time.
Then the dreaded second loop. Just tried to keep a descent pace and walked a little bit more on the hills. I was waiting for some cramping to creep up on me. But it never did happen. I did start to feel all the twist and turns on my ankles a little more. But I got through it pretty well. The thing about racing for 5+ hours, there are always good and bad moments and have to keep reminding myself of that.
But I must say the last 5k was not to fun. Walked a little more and was hoping to break 6 hours for the 1st time at this trail ultra distance.
With a finishing time of 5:44, I got myself a 15+ minute PR. Felt pretty good about that, since I trained less and pretty much ate apple danishes for the past 3 weeks, then get a PR. I might have to stick with this training plan.
Overall the race was pretty good event, the aid stations was pretty sparse, but had HOBO stew and a HOBO beggars tin cup as our finishing award.
(me and Brian after the Finish)
And yes they even had some apple strudel danishes for post race goodies. So I will be back.